Automobile insurance protects you and your family against devastating financial loss due to an accident or other unfortunate event. It covers the expenses related to injuries and damages for which you are deemed responsible.
Most states require drivers to carry a minimum level of liability insurance, as well as provide proof of coverage when registering a car or renewing a driver’s license. In addition to the financial hardship caused to yourself or others if you are involved in an accident and do not have insurance, drivers also risk having to pay a large fine, and/or having their car impounded and license suspended.
Is the legally required minimum coverage ENOUGH?
Quite possibly, the required minimum coverage may not be enough to pay for all damages resulting from an accident, which means that the legally responsible driver will have to pay the additional expenses out of pocket. If you are unable to pay, resulting lawsuits can cause further financial hardship.
What Matich | Vukovich can do for YOU
First, Matich | Vukovich will examine your individual situation: Do you commute? How many/what type of vehicles do you own? Where do you live? Are there multiple drivers in your family? With a clear picture of your driving habits, we can customize a policy that protects you from out of pocket expenses while considering your needs and budget.
Ready to find out more? Contact us or get a quote.